Edinburgh, Scotland, UK–August 16-17

Fast facts:

Arrive: Tuesday, August 16 at 11:00 AM

Depart: Wednesday, August 17 at 11:59 PM

Ships in port with us: Braemar (Fred Olson), Seven Seas Voyager.

Population: 834,6380  (2009)

Country: Scotland, UK

Time Zone: GMT

Currency: British Pound

Docked or Tendered? Tendered

Average Temp on August 16: 66 F/18.9C

Did you know?
Edinburgh, like Rome, is built on seven hills.

Edinburgh's nickname, Auld Reekie (Old Smoky), marks an era when the city's buildings and homes burnt a lot of coal and wood for heat and chimneys would emit columns of smoke into the air.

Ships tender in Leith. From there it is a 15 minute trip into Edinburgh.

If you have a private shore excursion or plans you would like others to join in while we are in Inverness/Loch Ness, please send me the following info (see below) and I will add a section below.

Have a shore excursion you want others to join then I need the following:

  1. Name of tour
  2. Organizer with e-mail
  3. Description of the tour/excursion
  4. Travel company and/or tour guides
  5. Cost
  6. Number of people who can join the group for the tour
  7. Names of people (with Cruise Critic User Names)

Send this info to me by clicking here.